As a child in the 1970s I wanted to grow up to be an air hostess, wear glamorous clothes and live in the ‘Brady Bunch’ house. As an adult these childhood aspirations have morphed into a sense of nostalgia for the world I optimistically viewed back then. This nostalgia combined with my interest in mid-20th century social and design histories permeates my art practice. It is expressed in my ‘house portraits’ of Mid-Century Modern homes located around the neighbourhoods I grew up in.

Karen Salter – Diamond in the Rough

Karen Salter – 15 Loch Avenue

Karen Salter – 30 Bickhams Court

Karen Salter – 30 Webb Street

Karen Salter – 9 Carinya Crescent

Karen Salter – 3 Morrice Street

Karen Salter – Popper House

Karen Salter – Danby House

Karen Salter – Mr Olah’s House

Karen Salter – Mr Erdi’s House

Do you have sizes and a price list for the Laren Salter houses pictures please?
Hi Ant,
We have emailed you the price list for Karen Salter’s paintings.